Is Joel Osteen a False Teacher or Just Not Recommended? - Justin Peters
Many false teachers have orthodox doctrinal statements on their websites that they do not teach from the podium. Justin Peters examines the teachings of Joel Osteen to determine which category he belongs to: False teacher or Christian in error.
Has Benny Hinn Really Repented of the 9 Member Godhead? - Justin Peters
Justin Peters examines the "9 Member Godhead" heresy that Benny Hinn taught decades ago and the supposed "apology" that he made after the backlash. Was it true repentance? Also, Justin gives an update on whether or not Hinn is still using the prosperity gospel to fleece the poor.
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Todd White's Kenotic Christ - Brandon Kimber - AG In Context
AG Director Brandon Kimber responds to Remnant Radio's Interview with Todd White.
Todd White Does NOT Understand the Hypostatic Union - Chris Rosebrough
Chris Rosebrough responds to the Remnant Radio's Interview of Todd White.