

  • What Did Jesus Do? - R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries

    1 season

    When Jesus approached John the Baptist to be baptized, John initially objected. But Jesus responded by saying that it was necessary “to fulfill all righteousness.” (Matt. 3:15) Why was this act—and others like it—so important? Most Christians understand the importance of Christ’s atoning sacrific...

  • The Old Testament Preaches the Gospel - Theocast

    Many Christians struggle with reading and understanding the Old Testament. They know it's supposed to be about Jesus, and they've read the New Testament, but they're just disconnected from the Old. Today's podcast is our attempt to give you reasons why you should read your Old Testament. By doing...

  • Adam: First and the Last - Simon Turpin - Exposit the Word

    Without the First, There Would Have Been No Need for the Last.

    The First...
    Supernaturally created by God, given dominion over Creation, enjoyed a brief, unique, unbroken relationship with the Creator, but his disobedience to the Creator’s command brought sin into the world, and he and his wife ...

  • When Charismatic Teachers Get Christ & the Trinity Wrong - Long & Rosebrough

    Daniel Long is joined by Pastor Chris Rosebrough to review and address some examples of serious Christological and Trinitarian errors being taught by popular Charismatic leaders. In doing so, Pastor Chris gives extremely helpful clarifications that are easy to understand.

    Original video:

  • How to Feel Christ's Love? - Theocast

    Here is the reality for Christians: the one we love the most is the one we’ve never seen. There are times we have a hard time comprehending what God is like. We have a hard time feeling his love for us. And so, God can feel distant from us. It is hard for us to feel safe approaching him. Jon and ...

  • How to Know Jesus Is Lord - Don Green

    The New Testament heavily relies on the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament to confirm the truthfulness of Jesus' claims. A first century Jew seeking to test the claims of Jesus simply needed to refer back to the Law and the Prophets to see that he was telling the truth. This should be o...

  • Humiliation is the Path to Exaltation - E.3 - He Ascended - Phill Howell

    One of the earliest summaries of the gospel can be found in Philippians 2:6-11. This episode studies this passage and shows how the descent and ascent of both Jesus and Paul provides a helpful summary and pattern for every person who follows Christ. In sum, we cannot claim Christ’s victory withou...

  • Train Wrecks Welcomed - Theocast

    Fairly regularly, we see posts or correspondence discouraging people from listening to Theocast because this podcast attracts those whose lives are shipwrecked. From our perspective, we are happy to receive such a compliment. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He came to save sinners. He came ...

  • Before Abraham Was, I Am - Alistair Begg

    As conversations with Jesus in the temple grew more heated, His listeners wrestled with what to believe about Him and demanded to know who He was claiming to be. Jesus replied to them, “Before Abraham was, I am,” revealing that He is God the Son from all eternity. Alistair Begg examines Jesus’ wo...

  • The Meat of the Word IS NOT Obedience! - Theocast

    If you think the “meat of the word” is about our obedience and what we do, this episode is for you. Jon and Justin explain how holiness and obedience is a fruit of our growth in Christ--but how to eat the meat of the word is to grow in our understanding of the gospel of Christ, our union with Chr...

  • Jesus, the Word - Alistair Begg

    The Jesus we see agonizing in the Garden of Gethsemane is the same eternal “Word” who created the universe: He is neither merely “like God” nor derived from the Father, but fully divine. In this sermon, Alistair Begg encourages us to study His part in the Holy Trinity. As he reminds us, the Bible...

  • Bread of Heaven - Alistair Begg

    Jesus proclaimed that we must eat and drink of Him to have eternal life. But how could that possibly be? Addressing this often misunderstood and misapplied passage of Scripture, Alistair Begg explains that Jesus used physical descriptions to explain spiritual truths. Spiritual hunger—that deep-se...

  • The Bread of Life (Part 3) - Alistair Begg

    John 6:41-51

    Original video:

  • The Bread of Life (Part 2) - Alistair Begg

    In seasons of doubt or discouragement, how do we know our faith is secure? In John 6, Jesus spoke of the vast wonder of saving faith, declaring Himself to be “the bread of life.” Whoever comes to Him and believes in Him, He said, will not hunger or thirst, nor will they ever be cast out. Examinin...

  • The Bread of Life - Alistair Begg

    After Jesus miraculously fed thousands, the crowds revealed their hearts by the questions they asked. They focused on their physical needs rather than Christ’s spiritual provision, sought to earn salvation rather than receive it, and hoped for more miracles in order to be convinced of Jesus’ deit...

  • They Saw the Signs - Alistair Begg

    John 6:1-15

    Original video:

  • A Matter of Death and Life - Alistair Begg

    Jesus stands at the crossroads between the broad way that leads to destruction and the narrow path that leads to eternal life. In this study of John 5:25, Alistair Begg examines Jesus’ announcement of two critical, life-transforming hours: one in the present, when the spiritually dead are made al...

  • Christ and God’s Existence - Don Green

    Creation, Canon, Conscience and Christ. Pastor Don Green has been laying out the different ways in which God has revealed Himself to humanity. Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God the Father and our response to Him is of chief importance.

    Original Video:

  • The Character of Christ - Jonathan Cruse - Exposit the Word

    Book description:
    Most experienced Christians are familiar with the Fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians. Love, peace, patience, and so on are often considered both gracious marks of true Christian character and ideals to aim for. But what do they look like when lived to the fullest?

    This b...

  • Why God Rejects Your Righteousness - Theocast

    In today’s episode, Jon and Justin consider how our own righteousness only leads to death. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul makes it clear that we have all been counted with Adam’s guilt–and that the only hope we have is that we would be counted with Christ’s righteousness. By faith, Jesus becomes our rep...

  • Where's Jesus in Our Preaching? (with Ken Jones) - Theocast

    For today’s episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Ken Jones (pastor of Glendale Baptist Church and host of Saints and Sinners Unplugged). The guys talk about what it is to preach Christ from all of Scripture--and how there are many approaches to preaching that claim the label “Christ-centered” bu...

  • Colossians - Critical Issues Commentary

    26 items

    Bob DeWaay preaches through the book of Colossians.

  • The Nature of the Word - E.3 - The Rule of Faith - Adriel Sanchez

    In Episode 3 of ‘The Rule of Faith’ Pastor Adriel teaches about the importance of rightly believing in Jesus. Jesus wasn’t merely a good teacher, or a moral influencer, he is the eternally begotten Son of God, of the same substance with the Father. You’ll learn in this episode how to respond to t...

  • What is Christianity? - Paul Washer - AG Uncut

    Paul Washer explains Christianity and the gospel in this uncut 9 minute interview.