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Pierced For Our Transgressions - The White Horse Inn - #884

Christless Christianity - The White Horse Inn • 57m

Up Next in Christless Christianity - The White Horse Inn

  • Christianity vs. Liberalism - The Whi...

    What are the main differences between classical vs. liberal approaches to the Christian faith? In the 1920's, J. Gresham Machen argued that these two perspectives were in reality two completely different religious systems. Was he right? That's the focus of this edition of the White Horse Inn as t...

  • The Gospel According to Barnes & Nobl...

    What are the "Gnostic Gospels" and why do books featuring these documents appear to dominate the religion and spirituality shelves of major bookstore chains? How do these documents differ from the traditional Gospels found in the New Testament? In addition to the regular WHI panel, this program a...

  • The Gospel According to Barnes & Nobl...

    On this edition of the White Horse Inn the hosts continue to contrast the historic Christian gospel with numerous popular alternatives, especially those found in the religion and spirituality sections of major bookstore chains. In particular, the hosts interact with some of the bestselling books ...

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