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The Glory Story - The White Horse Inn - #902

Christless Christianity - The White Horse Inn • 46m

Up Next in Christless Christianity - The White Horse Inn

  • An Interview with R.C. Sproul - The W...

    On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with R.C. Sproul, Chairman of Ligonier Ministries and author of numerous books including The Holiness of God, The Truth of the Cross, and Knowing Scripture. Mike & R.C. discuss many of the themes relating to the year-long WHI theme,...

  • Creed or Chaos? - The White Horse Inn...

    What is orthodoxy, and what beliefs are "beyond the pale?" Is there really such a thing as heresy? On this edition of the White Horse Inn the hosts take a look at the boundaries of orthodoxy, and the crucial role that creeds play in forming our understanding of the Christian faith.

  • What is a True Church? - The White Ho...

    In the last episode (Creed or Chaos - #915) the hosts defined the boundaries of the Christian faith, but this week they will spend some time examining the substance of true faith and practice, specifically taking a look at the marks of a true church. How is one to tell a true church from a false ...