Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars

Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars

Theology. Apologetics. Dad jokes. Pastoral wisdom. Ecclesiology. Not necessarily in that order.

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Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars
  • How to Think Biblically About Your Government - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this final episode of the Defend and Confirm Podcast's series on political theology, Russell Berger and Sean DeMars look at how rulers can practically apply what the Bible teaches in our nation today.

  • What Theonomy Gets Wrong: Biblical Theology - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Is God's law relevant for civil governments today? Yes, but not in the way that advocates of theonomy think. In this episode we look at what the Bible authorizes civil governments to do (and what he doesn't). If you find this and haven't listened to our first two episodes in this series, you're m...

  • Theology of Church and State - Political Theology - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    The separation of church and state is a Christian doctrine, yet today, many enemies of Christianity insist this means the separation of religion and politics. In this second episode in our series on political theology, we look at what the Bible has to say about these two institutions and their au...

  • Biblical Theology of the State - Political Theology - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this first episode of our series on political theology, we look at the biblical history of covenants and show how bad thinking in this area leads to the two major errors of contemporary evangelical political thought.

  • Friendly Fire & Social Justice - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    It’s important that we clean up our own ranks. Do you oppose critical theory? Good! Do you oppose it in a way that is unbecoming of the Lord’s servant? (2 Timothy 2:24)

  • Brooks Buser on Multiplying Movements - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we interview Brooks Buser of Radius International. We ask Brooks if our critics are right: Have we been too severe in our assessment of multiplying movements? Tune in for another perspective from a trusted voice on missions to the glory of God.

  • Should the Gospel Offend Muslims? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we interact with criticisms of Sean's quote in the film, American Gospel, "If a pastor can preach in such a way that a Muslim can sit in that audience and not be offended— then he is not preaching the gospel of Christ and Christ crucified." What do those on social media have to s...

  • Are Church Planting Movements Actually Planting Churches? - Defend and Confirm

    Church Planting Movement and Disciple Making Movement practitioners both aim to see churches planted, but what does that mean? In this episode, we compare the biblical definition of a local church against the definitions used by these paradigms. How do they stand up to the test? See for yourself.

  • What Caused the Sexual Revolution? Ft. Carl Trueman - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    The sexual revolution did not cause the sexual revolution. In this week's episode, Sean and Russell interview Carl Truman and beg him to help us make sense of his book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.

  • What is a Church? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this inaugural episode, we discuss the scriptural definition of a church, how this definition gives shape to the gospel, some of the ways that the local church can undermine the gospel by deviating from this definition. Being a first episode, we also made sure to have a major technical glitch....

  • Biblical Apologetics - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we talk about the foundation for Christian apologetics. Should we defend the gospel with evidential or presuppositional apologetics? Are the two at odds? What's the difference? Are there good and bad ways to defend Christian truth? Check it out!

  • Did Jesus Claim to be God? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we discuss the divinity of Jesus, and explain how scripture does more than offer us proof-texts for this fundamental truth. We also look at how the earliest heresy in the Christian church serves as evidence that Jesus' first followers viewed him as God.

  • Should We Call Out False Teachers? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Sometimes social media posts lead to teachable moments. In this episode, we respond to the accusation that Christians who call out false teachers by name are being arrogant, judgmental, or unbiblical.

  • Penal Substitutionary Atonement - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Building on our discussion of the divinity of Jesus Christ, we turn to what the bible says Christ did on the cross. What is penal substitutionary atonement? The bible teaches that Christ died as a substitute for sinners, and suffered the wrath of God they justly deserved. We point out the biblica...

  • Church Membership Preserves the Gospel - Defend and Confirm pdcast

    Does your church practice meaningful church membership and church discipline? It should. In this episode, we explain why.

    Also, a glitch with our digital recorder left us with camera-only audio for this episode, so enjoy listening to what sounds like two people talking inside of a tin can.

  • God is The Foundation of Knowledge - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this four-part series, we answer the question "How can you know Christianity is true?"

    In part 1, we lay the foundation for this conversation (pun intended) by looking at competing epistemological foundations. We discuss how we as Christians, unlike the world, ground our knowledge in God’s re...

  • No One Is an Atheist - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this four-part series, we answer the question "How can you know Christianity is true?"

    In part 2, we address the claim that building our knowledge on anything other than God and his word leads to absurdity. When the atheist claims to have moral, scientific, or logical knowledge, he is actuall...

  • How Can we Know the Bible is True? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this four-part series, we answer the question "How can you know Christianity is true?"

    In part 3, we ask how Christians can know that the bible is the word of God. Should we use some external, historical criteria as the way we authenticate scripture, or should we look to the bible itself?

  • Check Your Heart - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we talk about love. Our defense of the gospel should be grounded in a love for the lost, but too often our speech becomes prideful, quarrelsome, and unloving. Sean walks us through scripture on this subject, and we talk about the healthy skepticism we should all have of our own h...

  • Listener Questions on Regeneration in The Old Testament - Defend and Confirm

    In this episode, we tackle an assortment of questions submitted by listeners: Did the Holy Spirit indwell faithful believers in the Old Testament, or is the indwelling Spirit unique to the new covenant? Can God create a stone so heavy he cannot lift it? If he can't, doesn't this mean God isn't re...

  • Is Christianity True? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we revisit the question of how Christians can know what we claim we know. We discuss the self-authenticating model of scripture, and interact with some of the competing ways Christians and non-Christians attempt to understand the authority of God's word. We also deal with common ...

  • What is Biblical Theology? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Sean and Russell discuss Biblical theology, how it differs from systematic theology, and how having a good biblical theology lends to the defense and confirmation of the gospel.

  • Apologetics and Kids - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, Russell is joined by 8-year-old guest co-host, Barrett. Russell addresses the problem of evangelical youth leaving the faith. Is the problem a lack of apologetics training Or is it a more fundamental problem in the evangelical church? We talk about the need for discipleship and e...

  • Every Pro-Abortion Argument Refuted (Part 1) - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we talk about abortion. Abortion is a horrendous evil, and yet the pro-abortion rhetoric is stronger than ever. Sean and Russell work through some of the most common arguments in favor of legal abortion, and show how they are all intellectually, morally, and scientifically bankru...