Faith & Works

Faith & Works

Faith & Works
  • Living by Faith Isn't Easy - Theocast

    Over the years, Jon and Justin have sought to defend the gospel message: that we are saved by Jesus Christ through faith in Him alone. This belief has often been met with criticism. People frequently object, saying, "Surely it’s not that simple—it has to involve more than just faith in Jesus." In...

  • The One Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls - Core Christianity

    Today Pastor Adriel discusses the doctrine that the Protestant Reformers said is "the article upon which the church stands or falls."

    Original Video:

  • The Whole Christ - Sinclair Ferguson - Ligonier Ministries

    12 items

    Since the days of the early church, Christians have wrestled with the relationship between the law and gospel. If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?

    By revisiting the Marrow Controversy - a famous but l...

  • Where Is Jesus in My Suffering (w/ Mike Abendroth) - Theocast

    Today, it seems like if you are not suffering from some kind of ailment or cancer, you know someone who is or have had a family member or friend who has died because of it. It is a painful experience to watch someone lose their life and wither away. At times, our faith is crushed, and our assuran...

  • Antinomianism (w/ The Pactum) - Theocast

    What is antinomianism? Are Jon and Justin, here at Theocast, antinomian? What about the law and the Christian life? Does the law have a place in the life of the believer? What about the difference between lordship salvation and antinomianism? Is it one or the other? Recently, Jon and Justin had a...

  • Why We're Not Antinomian - Theocast

    Emphasizing grace, grace boys, antinomianism, the law, preaching, harsh - these are all words that seem to be circulating widely on the internet. We wanted to address this topic. First and foremost, what is antinomianism? Is preaching Christ from all of Scripture, Christ-centered preaching, gener...

  • The Nature of Saving Faith - The Word Unleashed

    6 items

    The one who believes God's testimony about the biblical Jesus and the biblical gospel has been born of God and has eternal life. This is the nature of the faith that saves and gives eternal life.

  • Theocast - Rest in Christ

    86 items

    Encouraging weary pilgrims to rest in Christ. We facilitate simple conversations about the Christian life from a reformed perspective through our weekly podcasts, primers, books, articles, and educational material.

  • I Never Knew You - Paul Washer - AG Uncut

    Some have called Matthew 7:21 the most frightening passage in all of Scripture. Paul Washer explains how we should properly understand this warning from Jesus through a proper view of faith and works.

    “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does t...

  • Justification by Faith (Samuel Blair) - The Whole Counsel

    Samuel Blair was a godly minister and used by the Lord in the Second Great Awakening. He was also a teacher. Blair was much heavier on the doctrine than the application.

    Blair’s sermon is entitled “The Gospel-Method of Salvation” and his text is Romans 10:4: “For Christ is the end of the law for...

  • Is Repentance a Work? - Justin Peters - AG Uncut

    Justin Peter's explains his struggle understanding the true nature of repentance. Does calling someone to repentance contradict the truth that we are not saved by our good works?

  • Is Faith a Blind Leap? - The White Horse Inn - #1370

    Why do you believe the Bible? What does it mean to “believe” in the first place? Should we think of faith as a kind of blind leap or shot in the dark? If so, why have you made this particular leap, in contrast to all the other faith options? On this program, the hosts will seek to answer these qu...

  • Is Faith Opposed to Evidence? - The White Horse Inn - #1371

    Sometimes when discussing evidence for the Christian faith, a person may respond by asking, “What room does this leave for faith?” This question actually reveals a misunderstanding of the Christian view of faith which is grounded in factual claims about the person and work of Christ as reported a...

  • Addressing Popular Misconceptions of Faith - The White Horse Inn - #1373

    On this program, the hosts interact with a number of man-on-the-street interviews concerning the nature and meaning of faith. As they have discussed throughout this series, faith is often seen as a kind of leap in the dark. According to the surveys we’ll air on this program, this belief seems to ...

  • Justification by Faith - The White Horse Inn - #1381

    Once upon a time, Protestants of every variety were identified as those who were committed to the doctrine of “justification through faith alone.” In our day, however, most Protestants are not even familiar with this doctrine. With either stern rigor or happy tips for better living, conservatives...

  • What is Moralism? - Trevin Wax - AG Uncut

    Trevin Wax explains how the counterfeit gospel of moralism is opposed to the true gospel.