Knowing God - G3 Conference (2018)

Knowing God - G3 Conference (2018)

Every church’s goal should be to make true and healthy disciples for the glory of God. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality of the evangelical church today. James Montgomery Boice once described the evangelical church by using the phrase ”mindless times.” Things have not improved since his day.

In the 2018 G3 Conference, we will look at the subject of knowing God biblically and making healthy disciples of Jesus Christ.

Knowing God - G3 Conference (2018)
  • Your Mind Matters - Derek Thomas

    Derek Thomas summarizes the Gospel message preached by the Apostle Paul in Romans. Chapter 12 begins with Paul calling Christians to respond to the Gospel by devoting their entire beings to the God of their salvation, including the mind. The renewing of the mind is a lifelong, daily work. It is a...

  • The Heart of Discipleship - Voddie Baucham (G3 2018)

    The Message of the Gospel must be defended and proclaimed in every generation. Those who commit to this work must be willing to pay a high price, even dying a martyr’s death. The Gospel ministry requires more courage than any man has in himself, but God Himself is the source of strength for every...

  • High Theology Produces High Doxology - Steven Lawson (G3 2018)

    Theology is the study of God. We cannot worship a God we do not know. Jesus says that eternal life is knowing God and this happens as the Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts with the Scripture we read. God has revealed who He is and what He has done in the Bible. If we want to worship Him as we ou...

  • Show Me Your Glory — Steven Lawson (G3 2018)

    The Christian Faith is deeply rooted in the character of God. It centers around His Person and His actions. Scripture knows nothing of a man centered worldview. In this message, Dr. Lawson exalts and expounds the beautiful self revelation of God to Moses and calls hearers to respond in humble ado...