Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. To that end, Ligonier’s outreach today is manifold and worldwide. Having been founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971, Ligonier’s teaching fellowship consists of theologians, pastors, and scholars who teach through Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry also offers an undergraduate degree program through Reformation Bible College.

Ligonier Ministries
  • What Did Jesus Do? - R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries

    1 season

    When Jesus approached John the Baptist to be baptized, John initially objected. But Jesus responded by saying that it was necessary “to fulfill all righteousness.” (Matt. 3:15) Why was this act—and others like it—so important? Most Christians understand the importance of Christ’s atoning sacrific...

  • Dust to Glory - R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries

    1 season

    Join Dr. Sproul on a unique study tour as he explores the major themes, events, and people that are brought to life in the Bible. Dust to Glory provides a panorama of biblical truth and a starting point to help you understand the content of the Bible. Dust to Glory can energize your study of the ...

  • Defending Your Faith - R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries

    1 season

    In Defending Your Faith: An Overview of Classical Apologetics with R.C. Sproul, Dr. Sproul surveys the history of apologetics and demonstrates that reason and science are your allies in defending the existence of God and the historical truth claims of Jesus Christ. He affirms four logical premise...

  • The Whole Christ - Sinclair Ferguson - Ligonier Ministries

    12 items

    Since the days of the early church, Christians have wrestled with the relationship between the law and gospel. If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?

    By revisiting the Marrow Controversy - a famous but l...

  • What is Reformed Theology? - R.C. Sproul

    1 season

    There is something healthy about returning to one’s roots. When it comes to evangelical Christianity, its roots are found in the soil of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. Just as the Reformers protested the corrupt teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, so today evangelicalism itself ...

  • The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul

    1 season

    The Holiness of God examines the meaning of holiness and why people are both fascinated and terrified by a holy God. This series closely explores God's character, leading to new insights on sin, justice, and grace. The result is a new awareness of our dependence upon God's mercy and a discovery o...

  • Upholding Christian Ethics - 2022 Ligonier National Conference

    20 items

    The holy character of God is the absolute standard of right and wrong. And He has spoken. Therefore, to reject Him and abandon His Word is to undermine the foundation of morality. How can Christians live with integrity as we engage a world where God is hated, immorality is celebrated, and the tru...

  • Right Now Counts Forever - 2021 Ligonier National Conference

    16 items

    With our glorious future in view, Christians do not have less of a stake in the present, but infinitely more. As R.C. Sproul so often reminded us, right now counts forever.

    On March 18–20, 2021, Ligonier Ministries hosted its 2021 National Conference, celebrating fifty years since the ministry’s...

  • No Other Gospel - Stephen Nichols - Ligonier

    The Apostle Paul tells us that there is but one gospel and that anyone who proclaims or believes a gospel that is different from the one God has revealed is under the curse of the Lord (Gal. 1:6–9). What we believe about God and His gospel has eternal ramifications, for if we believe the wrong go...

  • The Holiness of God and His People – John MacArthur – Ligonier

    Isaiah 6 gives us a grand vision of the holiness of God and reminds us that He is “holy, holy, holy.” When the prophet Isaiah saw this grand vision, he cried out because he was a man of “unclean lips.” Because of Isaiah’s sinfulness, a seraphim promptly flew to him, touched his lips with a coal, ...

  • The Centrality of the Family – Joel Kim – Ligonier

    In the beginning, God created the family for His glory, establishing it as a picture of His love for His people and the place where children grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Gen. 2:18–25; Eph. 5:22–6:4). How we live in the family is a testimony to our family members and to outsider...

  • The Body of Christ – Burk Parsons – Ligonier

    Ephesians 3:1–13 teaches that God’s eternal plan for humanity is to unite Jews and gentiles as one body of Christ, to bring together people from every tribe and tongue as fellow heirs of God’s glory in the church. What we do in the church today counts forever because it is a foreshadowing of the ...

  • A Conversation on Life and Ministry – Sinclair Ferguson – Ligonier

    A conversation between Ligonier’s President, Chris Larson, and Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at

  • Glorifying God in Our Bodies – W. Robert Godfrey – Ligonier

    Christians are called not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by their renewing of their minds so that they will know and do what is good (Rom. 12:1–2). And though we want to conform all of our lives to Christ, Scripture places special warnings on sexual transgressions, telling us...

  • The Providence of God – Derek Thomas – Ligonier

    Right now counts forever because God is in control of all things. He has created a moral universe in which our actions have consequences both now and forever. God can do all things, and none of His purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2). In this session, Dr. Derek Thomas reminds us that this knowled...

  • Achieving an Eternal Glory – Derek Thomas – Ligonier

    The pain of suffering in the moment seems intense and unbearable, but our experience of suffering has lasting consequences beyond our present ordeals. As Romans 5:3–5 tells us, “Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us t...

  • Go Therefore - W. Robert Godfrey - Ligonier

    Christ commissioned His church to preach the gospel to all nations and to teach His people everything that He has commanded them (Matt. 28:18–20). The church is called to preach Christ and to call people to trust in Him, but it is not to stop there. Instead, the church is to make disciples, teach...

  • R.C. Sproul’s Life & Ministry with Nichols, Parsons, and Mrs. Sproul – Ligonier

    A panel discussion with Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Vesta Sproul.

  • Interview: The Church in Africa (Seminar) – Mbugua – Ligonier

    The church in Africa is one of the fastest growing churches in the world. In this interview, Ken Mbugua considers this unique region and the church’s challenges there.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at https://www....

  • Serving God in the Digital Age (Seminar) – Nathan W. Bingham – Ligonier

    The internet and other digital technologies have made it easier in some ways and harder in other ways to serve God’s kingdom. In this seminar, Nathan W. Bingham considers our technological society and explains how we can best serve God in it.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligoni...

  • Preaching and Pastoral Ministry (Seminar) – Parsons and Thomas – Ligonier

    A panel discussion with Burk Parsons and Derek Thomas. This panel discusses what good preaching and faithful pastoral ministry looks like today. It also considers how pastors can serve and care for God’s people well.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Confere...

  • Interview: The Necessity of Reforming the Church (Seminar) – Godfrey – Ligonier

    An interview with W. Robert Godfrey on the newly translated work, The Necessity of Reforming the Church.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at

  • Teaching the Truth (Seminar) – Reformation Bible College Faculty – Ligonier

    A panel discussion with Matthew Dudreck, Keith Mathison, Anthony Salangsang, Ben Shaw, and John Tweeddale. This panel of Reformation Bible College faculty discusses the importance of Christian education at the college level and considers some of the particular struggles involved with Christian ed...

  • Discipling the Next Generation (Seminar) – Kim, Nichols, and Parsons – Ligonier

    A panel discussion with Joel Kim, Stephen Nichols, and Burk Parsons. This seminar considers how young people are entering a chaotic world, and how they can grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

    This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier...