Apologetic Pastors - E.7 - Wretched TV
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Todd goes through tweets from Dale Partridge - A Baby is Not a Baby.., Alistair Begg - Christ Center of Romantic Relationships. Todd continues the tweets from Chris Rosebrough - Hold My Beer, Erwin Lutzer - God's Will, Nate Picowitz - Church Growth, Robert Gagnon - Favorite Verses
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Prophets Now Need Deliverance From In...
The Bible testifies of prophets of God and their words divinely inspired by God. Scripture also tells us at times of their struggles and their weaknesses as human beings. A newer teaching is beginning to emerge that those who would call themselves modern-day prophets need deliverance from indwell...
A REAL Seminary Student - E.2 - Churc...
Ranger Joe and Bobby leave the cabin to go on a short adventure. In this episode, they see a real seminary student!
The Millstone of Children's Deliveran...
The teaching and practice of ministering deliverance from demons to children is growing in popularity, as videos surface online of such instances. This doctrine is being normalized among children who are exposed to the modern deliverance movement. Is this a new teaching, and is this prescriptive ...