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Loving The Sheep - E.9 - Wretched TV

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An Introduction to the Law and Gospel Distinction - Theocast

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  • Loving The Sheep - E.9 - Wretched TV

    On today's episode of Wretched, Todd continues talking with three local Atlanta pastors about how a pastor can most effectively deal with church issues and form strong relationships with their sheep.

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    Sometimes sick people think bad thoughts. While sickness is never an excuse for sin or ungodly thinking, we all know it is harder to obey when you do not feel well. Again, we are not justifying sin, we are simply granting that we are weak and frail people.

    “In light of my cancer diagnosis,”


  • MTD and True Prayer - Don Green

    Our culture encourages prayer to the god of convenience whenever we need help or desire something that will make us happy. Many think they are praying to the One True God. But this view of prayer and this view of God are opposite to what the Bible actually teaches.