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Isaiah - E.19 - Dust To Glory - RC Sproul
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Ezekiel - E.22 - Dust To Glory - RC S...
Total Depravity (Part 2) - E.8 - What...
We are all sinful. But how sinful are we? Other than our shortened life-spans and bad habits, what real effect did the Fall have on the average everyday sinner? What effect does sin have on our decision making process? With what power did you use to choose the gospel? Dr. Sproul takes us to the S...
Total Depravity (Part 1) - E.7 - What...
Original sin has marred our nature. We are depraved. But how depraved are we? Are we simply less than perfect? What kind of improvements can we make within ourselves to change sin's effect? In this message, Dr. Sproul looks at the distinctive doctrine of Reformed theology that is often misunderst...