I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say (Hymn 147) - S1:E9 - Hymnology
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4m 23s
1. I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto me and rest;
Lay down, O weary one, lay down your head upon my breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was, so weary, worn, and sad;
I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.
2. I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give
The living water, thirsty one; stoop down and drink and live.”
I came to Je sus, and I drank of that lifegiving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.
3. I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s light;
Look unto me, your morn shall rise, and all your day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my star, my sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk till trav’ling days are done.
Words: Horatio Bonar, 1846, alt.
Music: English County Songs, 1893; harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit: https://hymnsofgrace.com
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