All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (Hymn 143) - S3:E4 - Hymnology
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5m 8s
1. All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall,
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all. (2x)
2. Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,
Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
And crown Him Lord of all. (2x)
3. Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Lord of all. (2x)
4. O that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall,
We’ll join the everlasting song,
And crown Him Lord of all. (2x)
Words: St. 1, 2 Edward Perronet; st. 2, 4, John Rippon
Music: James Ellor; Last stanza setting by Bruce Greer
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit:
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