God can be known. When He speaks, we learn specifically who He is and what He’s like. His character, nature, and divine will are seen across the pages of Scripture. But why would God speak to us in the first place?
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The Reality of False Teachers - Don G...
The way is hard and the gate is narrow that leads to life. Christ tells us that few will find it. This makes it really important to know that the teachers we sit under are leading us along the right path. The danger of false teaching is an ever increasing reality in this present age. The first st...
Do Christian Mothers Have to be Stay-...
Do Christian mothers have to be stay-at-home moms? We answer this listener question today and your live calls. Call us now 833-843-2673. Check out our free offer for AGTV viewers: corechristianity.com/agtv
The Holy Spirit Won't Contradict the ...
You don't have to be a cessationist to know that the Holy Spirit won't contradict His written word.