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Before Abraham Was, I Am - Alistair Begg

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  • Before Abraham Was, I Am - Alistair Begg

    As conversations with Jesus in the temple grew more heated, His listeners wrestled with what to believe about Him and demanded to know who He was claiming to be. Jesus replied to them, “Before Abraham was, I am,” revealing that He is God the Son from all eternity. Alistair Begg examines Jesus’ wo...

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    Every Christian should make a regular practice of memorizing passages from the Bible. In this episode, Reagan discuses why Scripture memorization is so important and offers some strategies and resources to help you get started.

  • Favorably Disposed to Us (Ephesians 1...

    Pastor Don Green preaches on the glory of God's grace in Ephesians 1. All of God's attributes are favorably disposed toward us. He chose us. He purchased us. He adopted us. He has treated us, not as we deserve, but as Christ deserves. In Christ, we have recieved every spiritual blessing. This gra...

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