Prosperity in Suffering (Part 1) - The Bergers: Voyage Of Life - Episode 1
The Berger family prepares to move to a new home while dealing with Katherine's intestinal failure and Campbell's diagnosis.
To support the Berger family:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/jy3rqn-katherine039s-transplant-fund -
AG3: Spirit & Fire - Trailer 1 (Short)
For all of our followers who are anticipating some AG3: Spirit & Fire news, here is an update!
For the past few months we have been working on a ten-minute extended trailer of AG3 (in addition to progressing with work on the final docuseries), to give you a preview of the content of this project...
Truth or Territory? - E.2 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman
Looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Jim Osman contrasts two views of spiritual warfare: the truth view and the territory view.
For more information on Jim Osman:
https://jimosman.com/books/truth-or-territory/ -
Assumptions & Proof Texts - E.2 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman
In this episode we examine three common assumptions that people make regarding hearing the voice of God, and two proof texts often cited in support of this practice.
Cessationist: Are the Charismatic Gifts Real?
Are the miraculous gifts for today?
From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. But are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic gifts that we see in the New Testament still in operation today? Cessationist ans...
Is Everyone Else Now a Heretic? - E.10 - Steve and Paulette's Place
In this practically-focused episode, the Kozars give some thoughts on how to think about all of the different denominations out there. Yes, we should have very carefully considered theological standards for ourselves, but we shouldn’t count on everyone else having those same standards. As much as...
Spiritual Sisterhood: Going Beyond the Facade - D1 (Open Hearts Conference 2022)
Welcome to day one of the Open Hearts in a Closed World conference! We're so happy you joined us, let us know down in the comments where you're watching from!
All this week worship will be led by The Master’s University Praise Band, you can find more information about them here: https://www.mast...
Pietism in Contemporary Evangelicalism - E.3 - Steve and Paulette’s Place
In this episode, Steve and Paulette begin a more in-depth look at the how and why a movement from 300 years ago has caused contemporary Evangelicalism to reject sound, Christ-centered theology and over-emphasize our own good works and devotion.
Here's the 34-minute YouTube video called "Luthera...
Introduction - Law & Gospel (Ep. 1) - Mike Abendroth
Mike Abendroth answers five introductory questions about the distinction between Law and Gospel: What is the law? What is the gospel? What is the History of the law/gospel distinction? Is the law/gospel distinction biblical? Why is this distinction important?
Slain in the Spirit? - Freedom: Episode 4 - Costi Hinn
Does the true Holy Spirit cause people to fall backwards at the wave of a hand? Does He electrocute people, causing convulsions, "holy laughter," or the lack of self-control? Costi Hinn examines the scriptures that are commonly used to defend the practice of being "slain in the Spirit," giving us...
Errors - Law & Gospel (Ep. 5) - Mike Abendroth
Have you heard of the errors of legalism and antinomianism? In this final episode, Mike Abendroth examines the errors when we misunderstand the law, the gospel, and when the two are blended together.
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Alisa Childers (LIVE)
Alisa Childers' live performance of "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" featured in "American Gospel: Christ Crucified." Music by Jared Kraft.
Revivalism (Part 1) - E.4 - Steve & Paulette's Place
In this episode, the big topic of “revivalism” is addressed. The modern Evangelical movement began in the 1730’s with a series of revivals that came to be known as “The Great Awakening.” The immense influence of George Whitefield is still being debated today, and this video tries to explain why a...
AG3: Spirit & Fire - Teaser 1
A docuseries, coming late 2022.
Binding & Rebuking - E.4 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman
You have probably heard well-meaning Christians exercise their authority in Christ by rebuking the devil or binding him and his evil spirits. In this episode we look at these practices and the proof texts often used to support them.
The Essential Church - (Official Teaser)
When Grace Community Church faces state orders to shut down indefinitely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they realize the state’s attempt to replace Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. This sets off a series of challenges leading to a surprising pathway forward, suing the government. This u...
The Law - Law & Gospel (Ep. 2) - Mike Abendroth
In episode two of Law & Gospel, Mike Abendroth explores the law of God through five questions:
1. Is God's law good?
2. How generally was the law revealed in history?
3. What are the different functions of God's law?
4. What are the two relationships people can have to the law Giver?
5. What wa... -
The Phone Call: How to Deepen Your Discernment - Jim Osman Calls Dr. Brown
On October 20, 2021, pastor Jim Osman called Dr. Michael Brown during an episode titled, “How to Deepen Your Discernment.” This conversation lead to the upcoming roundtable discussion.
Intro & Sufficiency - E.1 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman
An introduction to biblical spiritual warfare and the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture.
For more information on Jim Osman:
https://jimosman.com/books/truth-or-territory/ -
I'm a Christian and You're a Catholic. So What's the Difference? - Mike Gendron
Mike Gendron explains the differences between Roman Catholicism & Christianity.
EPIC: Episode 10 - USA
What is a True Pharisee? - Freedom: Episode 2 - Costi Hinn
If you have been saved by God, you will share truth and expose error. But false teachers will attempt to silence you, labeling you a “Pharisee.” In this episode, Costi uses scripture to reveal the marks of a true Pharisee, and encourages those who are passionate about God’s truth to press onward.
NAR: Myth or Movement? - Roundtable Teaser
We are a week away from publishing the “NAR: Myth or Movement?” roundtable discussion for AGTV subscribers!
Is the New Apostolic Reformation a real movement that promotes dangerous false teachings that have subjected countless people to spiritual abuse and manipulation? Or is the label "NAR" bei...
Signs, Open Doors, & Fleeces - E.4 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman
Some Christians look for signs, open doors, and other providential or even supernatural indicators for decision-making. Has God promised to lead us in this way? Is Gideon’s fleece a model for modern decision-making? In this episode we will examine these practices and the passages often used to su...