The Bible is the Word of God - G3 Conference (2015)

The Bible is the Word of God - G3 Conference (2015)

The Bible is the Word of God - G3 Conference (2015)
  • Preach the Word - H.B. Charles Jr. (G3 2015)

    In this exposition of 2 Timothy 4:1-5, H.B. Charles Jr. gives a definition of preaching and tells ministers to boldly preach the Word, not novelties and news stories. This sermon will be a strong encouragement to everyone, but especially to those tasked with heralding the message of the King.


  • The War on the Word - Dr. Steven J. Lawson - (G3 2015)

    The longest war in history is the one that Satan has waged against the Word of God. It began in the Garden and continues until the Last Day. Dr. Lawson expounds on Genesis 3 and reminds us of the different ways that we are tempted to doubt God’s Word, twist it, add to it, subtract from it etc.