The Prosperity Gospel / Word of Faith Movement

The Prosperity Gospel / Word of Faith Movement

The Prosperity Gospel / Word of Faith Movement
  • The Benny Hinn Copycat Problem - Chris Rosebrough

    In this interview with Costi Hinn, Chris and Costi look at the showmanship of David Diga Hernandez in his highly produced healing services. Hernandez was personally mentored by Benny Hinn and has copied his shtick in detail to deceive the masses. Lord willing, this video may help some to understa...

  • Copeland is Wrong: God Did NOT Create the Universe by Faith! - Chris Rosebrough

    Believing that God created the universe by using His faith is a foundational doctrine to Word of Faith theology. Teachers like Kenneth Copeland encourage people to view faith as a force that can be wielded to create the life they desire. Scripture teaches nothing close to this as Pastor Chris Ros...

  • The Harmful Impact of Norman Vincent Peale - Long for Truth

    Norman Vincent Peale was not a Christian but he sought to smuggle a theology of positive confession into Christianity. He redefined faith in a dangerous way and taught a form of universalism. His message appealed to those seeking worldly pleasure and spiritual enlightenment outside of Scripture. ...

  • Andrew Wommack Perverts the Gospel - Long for Truth

    Word of Faith star, Andrew Wommack teaches a lot about money. His mockery of the Gospel is unreal yet millions believe such lies. Daniel and Robin offer a response to this attack on the Gospel.

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  • Help! I've Lost My Healing! - Long for Truth

    Daniel and Robin expose the fake-ness of modern day faith healers as they compare the work of con artists with the true miracles of Scripture.
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  • Healing in the Atonement - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

    Communion is one of the two ordinances for Christians to observe as part of their relationship with Jesus Christ. The Lord's supper is a beautiful reminder of what Christ did on our behalf on the cross and the hope we have in Him.

    Some incorporate teachings where communion is to be taken in orde...

  • Evangelio Americano: Solo Cristo


    ¿Es el cristianismo Cristo más el sueño americano? Evangelio americano examina cómo el evangelio de prosperidad (el movimiento de palabra de fe) ha distorsionado el mensaje del evangelio, y cómo su teología está siendo exportada a otros países. Esta película es la primera de una serie.

    Para má...

  • Word of Faith and Longevity Refuted - Digging Deeper - Andreas Wiget

    Word of Faith founder Kenneth Hagin believed he will live up to 120 years of age. His successor Kenneth Copeland believes the same way. This assumption is based on a misunderstanding of Genesis 6:3, where the Lord says, "My Spirit will not remain with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevert...

  • Tithe Money Just Walked in the House - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

    What have you been taught about tithing? The area of giving for the Christian is a debated topic for many, and it can be a source of contention and even manipulation, depending upon the teaching. Are we obligated to tithe and to expect financial abundance and protection, or is there a far greater...

  • The Born-Again Jesus of the Word of Faith - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

    If you are familiar with the Word of Faith movement, talk of prosperity and speaking things into existence is not an uncommon practice and belief. However, there are other teachings that are even more problematic, and one of the beliefs is that Jesus Christ had to be born-again in hell in order f...

  • Blessing of Abraham - Digging Deeper

    What is the blessing of Abraham mentioned in Galatians 3:14? Many prosperity preachers such as Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin believe this blessing promises wealth to the Christian. But what is the actual content of this blessing? Find out more in this video.

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  • Kenneth Hagin Exposed (Part 2) - Digging Deeper: Andreas Wiget

    In this video, I demonstrate that Kenneth Hagin's visions are made-up. The Jesus that visited Kenneth Hagin was not the Jesus of the Bible.

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  • Why Decreeing and Declaring Can Destroy Your Faith - Long for Truth

    Have you ever been told that you should be decreeing and declaring the things you want to happen in your life? This is not how the Bible teaches us to pray, but multitudes of professing Christians around the world are engaging in this practice. Daniel and Robin outline the dangers of embracing th...

  • Oral Roberts: A Legacy of Contaminated Theology - Long for Truth

    n this episode of Long for Truth, Daniel and Robin give an overview of the life and teachings of Oral Roberts, a pioneer of the prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith movements. Understanding Oral Roberts will aid in understanding much of what we see today in Pentecostal and Charismatic churches.


  • Exposing the Seed Faith Scam - Long for Truth

    Is it God's will that we give so that we can get? Is the principle of sowing and reaping about financial prosperity? Daniel and Robin take apart the unbiblical doctrine of "Seed Faith" to show that it's all a scam designed to profit false prophets. God doesn't bless us because of how much we give...

  • My Direct Personal Plea to Kenneth Copeland - Justin Peters

    Justin Peters gathers together into one video all the major false teachings propagated by Kenneth Copeland over the years. He also calls Copeland to repent and believe in Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.

  • Is Joel Osteen a False Teacher or Just Not Recommended? - Justin Peters

    Many false teachers have orthodox doctrinal statements on their websites that they do not teach from the podium. Justin Peters examines the teachings of Joel Osteen to determine which category he belongs to: False teacher or Christian in error.

  • The Word of Faith Movement: What Every Christian Should Know - Long for Truth

    Do we have the same creative abilities as God? Is faith like a force to be manipulated? What is faith? Justin Peters joins Daniel Long to discuss the doctrines and fruits of the Word of Faith movement that has spread from America to the nations on a massive scale.

  • Do I Have to Give 10%? - Freedom: Episode 3 - Costi Hinn

    Is tithing for the New Testament Christian? Costi Hinn explains the context of tithing from the Old Testament, how this is abused by false teachers today, and how New Testament Christians are called to give.

  • Kenneth Hagin's Destructive Legacy: "The Believer's Authority" - Long for Truth

    "The Believer's Authority" is a destructive doctrine taught within the Word of Faith Movement. In this video, Daniel and Robin show why this doctrine is unbiblical.

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  • Sovereignty in Suffering - AG Roundtable

    Alistair Begg, Don Green, and Emilio Ramos respond to common objections to the sovereignty of God over evil and suffering. Phil Johnson explains how we are to understand God's decrees.

  • Health and Prosperity: The Context of 3 John 2 - AG Roundtable

    3 John 2 is a verse that launched Oral Roberts’ prosperity gospel ministry, and today is commonly taken out of context to support the teaching that it is always God's will that we are healthy and prosperous.

  • Copeland's "Little Gods" Doctrine Refuted - Digging Deeper: Andreas Wiget

    This is what Kenneth Copeland writes in his book "The Blessing of the Lord," "When God created man, He actually copied Himself. ... In my spirit, I saw God standing up, holding Adam’s body in front of Him. The first thing I noticed was they were the same size. Adam’s form was just like God’s exce...

  • A Refutation of Copeland's Creation Beliefs - Digging Deeper: Andreas Wiget

    This is what Kenneth Copeland writes in his book "The Blessing of the Lord," "When God said, “Light be!” He did more than ignite the “big bang” that would set the universe in motion. He released the very essence of Himself into this material creation because He wanted the family He was about to c...