Is Faith Irrational? - E.2 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast
New to AGTV
Many people today claim that faith is the absence of evidence, but is this really the case? Shane Rosenthal investigates the true nature of faith and interacts with a variety of different perspectives.
Up Next in New to AGTV
The History of Roman Catholicism's Dr...
Roman Catholicism’s drift into apostasy began when it no longer submitted to the authority of God’s Word. By elevating its religious traditions to be equal in authority to Scripture and declaring its bishops to be only valid interpreters of Scripture, they departed from the faith of the apostles....
The Unshakable Kingdom - Grace To Yo...
Guard the Treasure - E.6 - Open Heart...
Ladies, join Brooke and Erin as they work through 2 Timothy 1:12-14. They discuss what it means to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, what that means in context of the verse, and what is to be guarded for the day of Christ’s return. The ladies also talk about the treasure entrusted and the attacks...