A Message to Our Teenage Selves - E.35 - New Age to New Heart
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"What Would You Tell Your Teenage Self?" - Three ex-New Age practitioners share raw, honest advice about navigating teenage years without falling into spiritual deception. Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, and Jac Marino Chen openly discuss their journeys from teenage rebellion to finding true identity in Christ.
⚠️ Topics covered:
Misconceptions about being "Christian" vs. truly knowing Jesus
The dangers of occult practices (Ouija boards, tarot cards, divination)
Rock music's spiritual influence on youth
Finding identity and worth in Christ rather than worldly validation
The importance of biblical parental guidance
Fleeing supernatural deception
Understanding God's true love vs. seeking validation
#TeenageTestimony #ExNewAge #ChristianParenting #BiblicalTruth
✝️ Scripture references:
John 3:6
Romans 1:26-27
Leviticus 18:21-23
Proverbs 29:25
Galatians 1:10
Ephesians 6
1 John 4
They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll: https://www.goodfight.org/sold-souls-free/
Jenn Nizza is a former professional psychic medium and new age teacher, who lived in the darkness of the occult from a very young age and was finally set free by the amazing grace of our Lord and Savior.
Jenn has published two books, “From Psychic To Saved” and “Out Of The New Age and Into The Truth” and also hosts the Ex-Psychic Saved podcast.
Doreen Virtue was a top-selling New Age author with heretical publications in 38 languages by various publishers, appearances on Oprah, and sold-out international workshops before God graciously saved her in 2017.
Jac Marino Chen comes from a past of sexual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, the new age, the occult, and eventually practicing ritual magic in a Freemason lodge as a member of an occult order. It was there that Jesus Christ saved her, revealed to her the darkness she was in, delivered her, and made her new.
We are thankful to be part of the B.A.R. Podcast Network
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